The archive of European Jazz/ Hot Dance has a focus on hot recordings produced in Europe in the 1920s and early 30s. These recordings are collected on original 78 discs. We intend to compile a discography of early jazz in Europe. Therefore contacts to collectors and discographers in this field are required. We are always interested in acquiring missing records for the archive. Since Europe consists of many countries having their own recording history and bands only on stage in the specific countries, research of Euorpean Jazz/ Hot Dance is more complicated and stratified than in the USA. Not to mention the mass of damage or loss of recording documents of many European record companies during the II. World War.
In most European countries collectors and discographers are able to demonstrate the jazz history of their country by paper documents, photos and records. We are interested in getting in touch with all of you working/collecting in this field. We intend to compile a review of the most important recordings made in Europe earlier than 1935 to be issued as a discographical review of the most important recordings.
The following list is a survey of orchestras searched by us. These are mainly recordings from continental Europe, but we also have a detailed wants list of British recordings, of which an actual version can be mailed on request. Besides of the records, we are interested in discographical material of all kinds. Probably many bands of interest still unknown to us do exist in countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Yugoslavia, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary Turkey, Russia, Poland and others. We are gratefull for all hints and do appreciate transfers on tape.
In most European countries collectors and discographers are able to demonstrate the jazz history of their country by paper documents, photos and records. We are interested in getting in touch with all of you working/collecting in this field. We intend to compile a review of the most important recordings made in Europe earlier than 1935 to be issued as a discographical review of the most important recordings.
The following list is a survey of orchestras searched by us. These are mainly recordings from continental Europe, but we also have a detailed wants list of British recordings, of which an actual version can be mailed on request. Besides of the records, we are interested in discographical material of all kinds. Probably many bands of interest still unknown to us do exist in countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Yugoslavia, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary Turkey, Russia, Poland and others. We are gratefull for all hints and do appreciate transfers on tape.
- John Abriani on Homocord only
- Five on Acme
- Ambassadors Orchestra on Acme, Vox
- Andreozzi on Grammophon/Polydor
- Billy Bartholomew on Grammophon/ Polydor, Artiphon, Phonycord flexibel, Tri Ergon only
- Billy Barton on Ultraphon/ Orchestrola
- Eric Borchard on Polyphon, Grammophon/-Polydor, Triva, Goldplatte
- Al Bowlly on Homocord only
- Arthur Briggs on Grammophon/Polydor, Clausophon, Vox, Azurephon, Hebertot only
- Dave Caplan's Toronto Band/The Toronto Band on Grammophon/Polydor only
- George Carhart's New Yorkers Jazz Orchestra on Homocord
- Cassidy's New Rhythmists on Ultraphon
- Bert Cohan on Acme
- Eric Concerto´s Yankee Jazzband on Polyphon
- Arno D´Armand on Artiphon
- Rene Dumont on Grammophon/ Polydor, Artiphon only
- Austin Egen on Acme (on Electrola/HMV only "mit seinem Intimen Orchester")
- The Excellos Five on Grammophon/ Polydor
- Fisbach's Charleston Orchester on Vox
- Herbert Fröhlich on Vox
- Julian Fuhs on Homocord, Electrola, Odeon, Beka, Ultraphon
- Garland's Negro Quartet (Vokalquartett) on Vox
- Ernö Geiger on Homocord
- Herbert Glad on Tri Ergon (nur Jazz/ Hot Dance !!)
- Lud Gluskin on Homocord, Tri Ergon, Grammophon/-Polydor, Artiphon, Ultraphon, Schlagerton, Pathé..
- Gilbert Goose on Artiphon, Phonycord, Swisscord
- Harry Head on Homocord
- Jan & Patrick Hoffmann on Grammophon/ Polydor
- Friedrich Holländer mit seinen Weintraubs Syncopators on Odeon
- Jack Humphrey's London Band on Vox
- Alex Hyde a.h. New Yorker Original Jazz Orchester on Vox, Grammophon/ Polydor
- The Jazz Kings on Tri Ergon
- Teddy Kline on Homocord
- Arno Lewitsch on Parlophon
- London Sonora Band on Favorite, Parlophon only
- Mac's Jazz Orchester on Odeon
- Carlo Minari on Grammophon/Polydor, Artiphon, Phonycord flexibel
- John Muzzi on Odeon
- Neger-Jazz-Orchester on Vox
- Tanz-Orchester"The New Yorkers" on Tri Ergon/ Color
- The Odeon Five on Odeon
- (Original) Piccadilly Four (Jazzband) on Anker, Homocord
- Original Orpheans Band on Homocord only
- Pennsylvania Syncopators on Acme only
- Ernö Rapee's Jazz Symphoniker on Vox
- Regina Orchester on Artiphon, Phonycord flexibel
- Riverians Orchester on Vox
- Fred Ross on Beka
- Sid Roy on Ultraphon only
- Savoy Syncops Orchestra (A.Briggs) on Clausophon, Volksverband d.Musikfreunde,Clangor, Usiba, Syre-na
- Eugen Sonntag on ELO
- Fred Steamer (Stamer) on Acme
- The Toronto Band on Grammophon/Polydor
- Tusschinsky's Berceley's Jazz Band on Vox
- Hakon von Eichwald on Tri Ergon, Ultraphon/ Telefunken (nicht Aufnahmen von 1939)
- Weintraubs Syncopators/ The Weintraubs on Odeon, Electrola/HMV, Kristall, Electrocordy, Columbia
- Sam Wooding on Vox, Grammophon/Polydor, Pathé, Bruns-wick, Parlophon
- Joe Yellowstone (pianosoli) on Vox
Dance bands recording a wide range of music. Only hot recordings wanted (foxtrot, slowfox, onestep)
- American Original Jazzband auf Beka
- Sam Baskini auf Kalliope, Cordy, Ultraphon, Biberphon, Eltag...
- Dajos Bela auf Odeon
- Ben Berlin auf Grammophon/Polydor
- Beweta Tanz Orchester auf Electrola
- Hermann Bick auf Grammophon/Polydor
- Fred Bird auf Homocord
- Boulanger Jazz Orchester auf Vox
- Jim Clensh auf Homocord
- Mike Danzi auf Homocord
- Saxophon Orch.Dobbri auf Beka, Odeon
- Dreigroschenoper-Band auf Odeon
- Mario Elki auf Tri Ergon
- Bernard Etté nur auf Vox, Kristall
- Kapelle Evans auf Homocord
- Jazz Orchester Faconi auf Clausophon
- The Famous Six auf Tri Ergon
- Jenö Fesca auf Homocord, Vox
- Gabriel Formiggini auf Vox, Homocord
- Richard Forst auf versch. Labeln
- Charly Gaudriot auf Odeon
- Paul Godwin auf Grammophon/ Polydor
- Harry Jackson auf Grammophon/ Polydor, Tri Ergon, Colorit
- Sandor Joszi auf Odeon
- Sid Kay Fellows auf Tri Ergon, Novaphon
- Edward King auf Vox
- Geza Komor auf Tri Ergon
- Erich Lehrer auf Cordy
- Juan Lllossas auf Tri Ergon
- Theo Mackeben auf Ultraphon, Orchestrola, Grammophon, Electrola
- José Melzak auf Favorite, Cremona, Parlophon, Beka
- Kapelle Merton auf Beka
- John Morris auf Eltag, Adler, VdM, Clausophon
- Mitja Nikisch nur auf Parlophon, Electrola/-HMV
- Ohio Jazzorchester auf Vox
- Orchestrola Jazzorchester auf Orchestrola
- Jack Pressburg auf versch.Labeln
- Nikolai Rimsky auf Vox
- Red Roberts auf Ultraphon
- Paul Romby auf Grammophon/ Polydor
- Lewis Rüth auf Kalliope, Stradivari, Biberphon
- Eddie Saxon auf Columbia
- Efim Schachmeister auf Grammophon/ Polydor
- Harry Sculthorpe auf Homocord
- Mischa Spoliansky auf Odeon
- The Symphonic Syncopators auf Acme
- Arpad Varosz auf Homocord
- Vocalion Band auf Orchestrola
- Vox American Jazzband auf Vox
- Barnabas von Geczy auf Homocord
- Marek Weber auf Electrola/ HMV
- Wenskat - Orchester auf Grammophon/Polydor
- Clive Williams Jazzband auf Odeon
Hot Dance/ Jazz orchestras in France (1920s until mid 30s):
- Yvan ALLOUCHE (Sonabel, Allouche....)
- Arthur BRIGGS (Azurephone, Discolor)
- BRUNO (Discolor)
- The COLLEGIANS (Polydor, Virginia)
- Guido CURTI (Curtiphone, Magnis, Perfectphone, Allouche, Saturne, Spring, Ideal, Parlophone)
- Robert DORSAY (Salabert)
- Henry GAZON (Polydor, Disque Gramophone)
- Lud GLUSKIN (Pathé, Parlophone)
- GREGOR (GREGORIANS/ A.H.BOYS/ ET SON JAZZ) (Edison Bell Radio, Ultraphon, Polydor)
- Jack HAMILTON (Azurephone, Discolor)
- Bobbie HIND (Pathé)
- HOT MELODIC BAND (Ideal (20cm), Champion, Perfectaphone)
- JAZZ du POSTE PARISIEN (Pathé, Discum)
- Maceo JEFFERSON (Salabert)
- Gaston LAPEYRONNIE (Discolor)
- Enoch LIGHT (Odeon)
- Monti H.LYLE (Disque Gramophone)
- B.LOVINGOOD (Excelsior)
- Maurice MAIRE (Tri Ergon)
- NOTTE A.H.CREOLE BAND (Ultraphone)
- Orchestre du BAL TABARIN (Fotosonor, Gladiator)
- PATRICK (Pathé)
- Leo POLL (Parlophone, Pathé )
- POLLARD (Pathé)
- Orch. HOT BOYS BAND, dir. RUMOLINO (Pathé)
- Rollin SMITH Odeon)
- Jazz SYN´S ORCHESTRA (Ibled)
- Ray VENTURA (Columbia, Odeon 165000er Serie, Virginia, Decca)
- Tom WALTHAM (Disque Gramophone, Discolor)
Other European Hot Dance/ Jazz orchestras :
- Gregoire NAKCHOUNIAN (Vox)
- RAMBLERS (Odeon, HMV, Decca)
- Hakon von EICHWALD (Tri Ergon, Star, Ultraphon, Telefunken)
- Ake FAGERLUND (Odeon)
- Helge LINDBERG (Polyphon/HMV) also as CRYSTAL Band (HMV)
- Georg ENDERS (Orchestrola)
- Charles REMUE (Edison Bell Electron/ Radio)
- RED BEANS (Bernard Roux)
- RED RO-BINS (Edison Bell Radio)
- COMPIETRE - COMPERE (Edison Bell Radio)
- Otto LING-TON (Edison Bell Radio, Edison Bell Electron, Columbia)
- Erik TUXEN (Polyphon)
- Kai JULIAN (Polyphon)
- ORCH JAZZ COLUM-BIA Risi (Columbia)
- Jan SIMA (Ultraphon)
- Jaroslav JEZEK (Ultraphon)
- Ernst HOL-ZER (Polydor)
- Bobby SAX
- Paul GASON (HMV, Gramola)
- The SIX RITZ (Ultraphon, Orchestrola)